Mall refers to a large enclosed shopping area with various stores and often entertainment facilities; a shopping center is a collection of individual retail stores and services in one area, not necessarily enclosed.
shopping malln(covered retail center)SCSimplified Chinese大型购物中心、 I visited ten different stores at the shopping mall. 我在那个大型购物中心逛了十家不同的店铺。 WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2024: 主要翻译 英语中文 malln(shopping center)SCSimplified Chinese购物中心gòu wù zhōng ...
shopping center,shopping centre,mall,plaza,center food court- an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area) mercantile establishment,outlet,retail store,sales outlet- a place of business for retailing goods ...
Shopping center(fair):很多店在一起 Supermarket相当于中文中的超市,日常用品和副食品等更丰富全面,电子产品、大型家电什么的虽然也有,但没有department store那么全面和专业。 department store相当于中文中的百货店,主要卖一些品牌产品,比如化妆品、衣服、首饰啦,以及家电等,有专门的柜台,价格一般不菲,但是胜在高档和...
Shopping center(fair):很多店在一起 Supermarket相当于中文中的超市,日常用品和副食品等更丰富全面,电子产品、大型家电什么的虽然也有,但没有department store那么全面和专业。 department store相当于中文中的百货店,主要卖一些品牌产品,比如化妆品、衣服、首饰啦,以及家电等,有专门的柜台,价格一般不菲,但是胜在高档和...
store等的释义差别 shop小商店 mall大型商场 store market 商店市场 departmentstore 地下商场 grocerystore 百货商店 Supermarket 商场 Shop:小型商店如士多或小商店等;也能够是行(修车行 ) 【petshop;barber(beauty)shop 】 "buildingorpartofabuildingwheregoodsareshownandsoldretail" Store:比...
store 等的释义区别shop 小商店store商店mall 大型商场market市场department store地下超市grocery store百货商店Supermarket超市Shop: 小型商店如士多或小商铺等;也可以是行(修车行)【pet shop; barber(beauty) shop】building or part of a building where goods are shown and sold retailStore: 比 shop 大一点,...
A mall is an enclosed shopping center with various stores, eateries, and often entertainment venues. A plaza is an open public space or square, often surrounded by shops, restaurants, and other businesses.
We protect access points, common space, parking areas, employees, customers and visitors while deterring potential crime or theft help to mitigate risk while safeguarding assets Training Our mall security and retail security services professionals are trained in, to name a few: First-Aid, CPR, ...