Mall-Customer-Segmentation-Using-Python Dataset Overview This is a mall’s dataset from Kaggle, and it contains some basic data about the customers such as Customer ID, age, gender, annual income, and spending score. Problem Statement I want to increase Customer Lifetime Value by segmenting the...
Mall-Customers-Dataset-Clustering This project implements K-means clustering on the Mall Customers dataset, a popular dataset for customer segmentation and clustering. The project is implemented using Google Colab, a free Jupyter notebook environment that allows you to run Python code in the cloud. ...
='': # box=box.split(' ') # xmin=int(box[0]) # ymin=int(box[1]) # xmax=int(box[2]) # ymax=int(box[3]) # w=xmax-xmin+1 # h=ymax-ymin+1 # file_id=file_dict[filename] # if w*h>16*16: # dataset['annotations'].append({ # 'area': w * h, # 'bbox': [...
dataset - Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. orator - The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation. peewee - A small, expressive ORM. pony - ORM that provides a generator-oriented interface to SQL. pydal - A pure Pytho...
Fine-Tuning-YOLOv9-Models-Custom-Dataset Fine-tuning-Faster-R-CNN-on-SeaRescue-Dataset Fine-tuning-YOLOv8-Pose-Models-for-Animal-Pose-Estimation FunnyMirrors GOTURN Getting-Started-OpenCV-CUDA-Module Getting-Started-with-YOLOv5-Instance-Segmentation GradCAM-Enhancing-Neural-Network-Interpretability Graph...
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Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Unexpected end of JSON input SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
This Dataset contains the information about the customers like Sex, Marital status, Age, Education, Income Occupation etc. through which we can easily fit our model for better prediction. Loading... Input (73.05 kB) folder Data Sources arrow_drop_down Customer Clustering arrow_right calendar_view...
Dataset Information: The Shopping Mall Customer Segmentation Dataset comprises 15,079 unique entries, featuring Customer ID, age, gender, annual income, and spending score. This dataset assists in understanding customer behavior for strategic marketing planning. Cleaned Data Details: Data cleaned and sta...
segmentation data legend.xlsx(11.53 kB) get_app chevron_right About this file This Dataset contains the information about the customers like Sex, Marital status, Age, Education, Income Occupation etc. through which we can easily fit our model for better prediction. Table Total Rows Total Columns...