Buy Malin + Goetz's natural, alcohol and aluminum-free deodorant formulated with refreshing eucalyptus extract and odor-neutralizing citronella.
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收藏MALIN+GOETZ Travel Eucalyptus Deodorant 桉木香型旅行香体液 MALIN+GOETZ brand:MALIN+GOETZ (49 点评) 37 7 3 0 2 $15 如果未开封且未使用,则符合退货资格 1/2 star rating1 star rating 1 1/2 star rating2 star rating 2 1/2 star rating3 star rating ...
选购 MALIN+GOETZ Eucalyptus Deodorant on FWRD opens in new window 描述 成分 该桉属植物精华防腐抗菌预防炎症,清新醒脑可有效中和不良气味。 细节 适宜所有肤质,尤其是敏感性皮肤和湿疹 酒精,铝,对羟基苯甲酸酯和无硫酸盐 主要成分:0.25% 桉树提取物 2.6 盎司 此产品不适宜国际出口 Revolve 样式编号 MALG-UU...
Shop Malin + Goetz's collection of gentle, natural-based body care products including body wash, moisturizers, and soaps formulated for sensitive skin.
MALIN+GOETZ马林戈茨全新推出尤加利味洁肤磨砂凝露 都市生活对肌肤的影响不容小觑,多变的气温、环境因子的侵袭、快节奏的生活压力,身心从内到外都因这些影响而产生变化。MALIN+GOETZ马林戈茨从产品设计之初,就充分考虑都市生活方式的需求,采用根植于药学、久经考验、值得信赖的自然成分,带来适用于面部、头发和身体的清洁...
最近一直在用Malin+Goetz的产品,从大热的排毒面膜到洗发水、身体乳,几乎涵盖了身体护理的方方面面。去年在波士顿旅游时,酒店用的洗护就是这个牌子,当时就觉得体验感不错,但一直没机会入手尝试。前一阵洗发水空瓶了,正好安排上由他来接档~ Malin+Goetz这个品牌来自美国,主打用最天然高质量的成分,并且所有的产品设计...
Shop MALIN+GOETZ's eucalyptus deodorant, alcohol and aluminum free, formulated with antiseptic eucalyptus extract and citronellyl to keep odor at bay.
MALIN+GOETZ 尤加利止汗棒 73g 活动到手价143,喜欢可关注~ A sheer, delicately scented deodorant Provides optimum protection against wetness & odor Gives you a moment of stunning freshness Embraces skin with an elegant & sensual aroma No flaking or coloring onto clothes...
MALIN+GOETZ's #1 best-seller for over 10 years, eucalyptus deodorant, is infused with natural eucalyptus extract and odor-neutralizing citronellyl. €24 shop now bergamot hand+body wash. MALIN+GOETZ's best-selling hand + body cleansing gel lathers into a rich foam to effectively wash away ...