products designed to fit into your life. for every skin type, tone + gender. - MALIN+GOETZ is guided by the philosophy of less, but better. our mission is to design high quality, easy-to-use skincare, fragrances...
最近入手了MALIN+GOETZ的一些产品,感觉效果还不错,分享一下我的使用心得。🌿 Peppermint Shampoo 薄荷洗发水 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 这是我无限回购的洗发水,夏天用特别清爽,洗完头发不会毛躁,味道也很好闻。我头皮容易出油,但用这个洗发水后感觉很清爽。🌼 Bergamot Body Wash 佛手柑沐浴露 推荐指数:...
Malin+Goetz这个品牌来自美国,主打用最天然高质量的成分,并且所有的产品设计都从敏感肌皮肤开始,因此他们家的产品适合几乎所有人。 ▫️Gentle Hydrating Shampoo 他们家有4款洗发水,功效稍有不同。由于实在记不得在波士顿时用的是哪款,所以这款实属盲选。他们家的洗发水不含硫酸盐,并且是胶状质地很轻薄。打出来...
外文名称:---MALIN+GOETZ; HC_SHAMPOO; PEPPERMINT SHAMPOO 16 OZ 条形码:891211000800 规格:473ml 适用人群:所有人群 everyday essential: + best-seller + gently yet effectively removes impurities + natural peppermint refreshes + invigorates + daily use. our signature foaming shampoo synthesizes natural pe...
中文名称:【美国仓】 MALIN+GOETZ 马林狗子 薄荷清爽洁净洗发水 236ml 外文名称:---MALIN+GOETZ; HC_SHAMPOO; PEPPERMINT SHAMPOO 8 OZ 条形码:891211000053 规格:236ml 适用人群:所有人群 温馨提示WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封...
MALIN + GOETZ creates a facial regimen with natural ingredients and advanced technology to care for your body in a more effective way. The peppermint shampoo is made with natural extracts to create an effective purifier cleansing agent. Designed not to dry out the scalp, this shampoo creates a...
已售罄 尺码: 尺码:One Size 电子邮件 描述 成分 品牌介绍 Stressed tresses come alive with softness and shine through (MALIN+GOETZ) Moisturizing Shampoo. This rich and creamy formula weightlessly hydrates the hair and deeply cleanses without the use of harsh sulfates. ...
Shop Malin + Goetz's collection of gentle, natural-based body care products including body wash, moisturizers, and soaps formulated for sensitive skin.
尺码:One Size 电子邮件 描述 成分 品牌介绍 Clarify and condition lackluster locks with this powerful duo of (MALIN+GOETZ) hair products. The invigorating Peppermint Shampoo gently but thoroughly cleanses the hair and scalp, easily removing product build-up, dirt, and oil. Paired with the super ve...
★MALIN+GOETZ经典产品套装独家8折仅25欧! 被大家叫的十分顺口的马林狗子小众低调但真的好用,主打精简护肤!是很多豪华酒店钟爱的洗护品牌!本经典产品套装包括: -Grapefruit-Gesichtsreiniger西柚洁面啫喱30ml,气味是水果的清香甜味儿。泡沫...