___ staging→estado o extensión del tumor canceroso; ___ survivors→supervivientes de cáncer; chemoprevention of ___→prevención química de ___; early ___→___ incipiente. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 cancer
The meaning of MALIGNANT is tending to produce death or deterioration; especially : tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate fatally. How to use malignant in a sentence.
Define malignant tumor. malignant tumor synonyms, malignant tumor pronunciation, malignant tumor translation, English dictionary definition of malignant tumor. Noun 1. malignant tumor - a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts of the
A malignant tumor is a cancerous tumor capable of metastasis, or the ability to spread to healthy tissues in other parts of the body. Learn how to define a malignant tumor, then explore its possible treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. ...
THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never igno...
Nesland Department of Pathology, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, University of Oslo, N-0310 Oslo, Norway Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a tumor derived from mesothelial cells, native cells of the body cavities. The pleural cavity is the most common site, with a present ratio of 9:1 with ...
Share Post the Definition of nonmalignant to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of nonmalignant on Twitter Twitter Medical Definition nonmalignant adjective non·ma·lig·nant -mə-ˈlig-nənt : not malignant a nonmalignant tumor ...
growths of cells that have lost their normal properties and communication with the body and have the capacity, while invading surrounding tissues, to disrupt them and produce metastases—that is, to transport themselves into other organs and tissues and form secondary tumor foci. ...
Research discovery halts childhood brain tumor before it forms Scientists at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) have discovered a way to stop tumor growth before it starts for a subtype of medulloblastoma, the most common childhood malignant brain cancer. Feb 4, 2025 0 29 Oncology & ...
Malignant is a corresponding adjectival medical term used to describe a severe and progressively worsening disease. The term is most familiar as a description of cancer. A malignant tumor may be contrasted with a non-cancerous benign tumor in that a malignancy is not self-limited in its growth...