unspecified 453.40 Acute embolism and thombos unspec 462 Acute pharyngitis 472.0 Chronic rhinitis 477.0 Allergic rhinitis due to pollen 9/10/15 ICD10 Code ICD10 Desc B20 HIV Disease B18.2 Chronic viral hepatitis c C50.919 Malignant neoplasm of unsp site of unspecified female breast C56.9 Malignant...
Developing an accurate staging system for MPM is challenging due to the rarity of this neoplasm. In 1976, Butchart et al. [2] proposed the first staging system. Butchart system was widely adopted in subsequent studies on MPM. This pioneering effort was limited by single therapy and small ...
In this study, our primary aim was to evaluate the association between immunodeficiency diseases and the short- and long-term readmission risk for the 16 most common malignant tumors. A total of 603,831 patients diagnosed with malignant tumors at the time of index hospitalization were ultimately ...