Chevrolet Malibu for sale in Illinois Chevrolet vehicles inventory in IL Autopten promotes Illinois dealerships offering inexpensive cars in their inventories, such as those priced at $5k or under $10k. Check them below: Directory of dealerships in Illinois Any...
Engine:2.4L Drivetrain:FWD - Front Wheel Drive Color:Black Condition:Good VIN:Ask Seller Sedan Listed By:Owner Stock:8B26677 Category:Sedans Under $5000 Owner Notes Black Chevy Malibu 1LT with 150k miles for $4K in Indianapolis-46222. Vehicle runs, drives and looks great. Car is in perfec...
Transmission:Automatic Engine:2.4L Drivetrain:FWD - Front Wheel Drive Color:Gold Condition:Good VIN:Ask Seller Sedan Listed By:Owner Stock:IFR3039 Category:Sedans Under $4000 Owner Notes Good and clean car with a clean title. This Chevy Malibu year 2012 under $4K just needs a bearing or hub...
Used 2013 Chevrolet Malibu LS sedan by owner, for sale in Xenia, OH 45385, in excellent condition, white exterior color, with automatic 6-speed with sportmatic transmission, 2.5L engine, VIN: 1G11B5SA9DF163131.
Engine:1.5L Drivetrain:FWD - Front Wheel Drive Color:Black Condition:Excellent VIN:Ask Seller Sedan Listed By:Owner Stock:YI82802 Category:Sedans Under $3000 Owner Notes $2500 DOWN Payment *** Low mileage vehicle. Get in touch with Yosira at 828-761-1973 for more information. ...
Used 2012 Chevrolet Malibu luxury sedan by owner, for sale in Waco, TX 76705, in mechanics special condition, gold exterior color, with automatic transmission, 2.4L engine. CAR ID #26757.