错误信息“malformed module path 'embed': missing dot in first path”明确指出模块路径“embed”的格式不正确,因为它缺少了一个点(.)。在Go语言中,模块路径通常遵循域名/路径的格式,这是为了确保模块的唯一性和可寻址性。 2. 检查导入路径 在您的Go程序中,您需要找到所有导入“embed”模块的地方。但是,值得注...
build github.com/pjvds/tunl/cmd: cannot load embed: malformed module path "embed": missing dot in first path element. I'm new to go, how can I setup the workspace to start contributing to the project? Tunl is currently using theembedpackage that isintroducedby the freshly released go1.1...
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Reference required to module '<modulename>' containing the base class '<classname>' Reference required to module '<modulename>' containing the definition for event '<eventname>' Reference required to module '<modulename>' containing the implemented interface '<interfacename>' Reference required to ...
org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1,D:\JavaJDK\jdk-11.0.11\bin\java.exe-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=,suspend=y,server=n-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1-
Unable to create temp file in path '<filename>': <error message> Unable to create XML documentation file '<name>': <message> Unable to embed resource file '<filename>': <error message> Unable to emit assembly: <error message> Unable to evaluate expression Unable to find entry point '<...
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Unable to create temp file in path '<filename>': <error message> Unable to create XML documentation file '<name>': <message> Unable to embed resource file '<filename>': <error message> Unable to emit assembly: <error message> Unable to evaluate expression Unable to find entry point '<...
Unable to create temp file in path '<filename>': <error message> Unable to create XML documentation file '<name>': <message> Unable to embed resource file '<filename>': <error message> Unable to emit assembly: <error message> Unable to evaluate expression Unable to find entry point '<...