Here are chunks of strace logs of the ping after others attemps, i notice that the command receive msg from a lot of icmp tests and gets dropped before display, some not including cacti, however, in the cacti message i receive, some creates an error, some dont : Here is recvmsg signal...
When issuing a wol command from pfsense to a pc running wireshark (directly cabled and not via a switch) the corrupted message received displays the following: protocol: ? KNX/IP Unknown service family Info: ? Unkown service family The same results results are obtained when doing a packet cap...
Thanks for your reply. I've already used Wireshark and I'm getting the same results as posted by@AceFloof. When issuing a wol command from pfsense to a pc running wireshark (directly cabled and not via a switch) the corrupted message received displays the following: protocol: ? KNX/IP ...
When issuing a wol command from pfsense to a pc running wireshark (directly cabled and not via a switch) the corrupted message received displays the following: protocol: ? KNX/IP Unknown service family Info: ? Unkown service family The same results results are obtained when doing a packet cap...