They were admitted for surgery, and postoperatively, both patients had a period of indwelling catheterization for about 2–3 months. After removal of the Foley catheters, we taught the patients self-bougination once daily. No urethral stricture was noted during follow-up. In male-to-female ...
{1362-4393}, journal = {SPINAL CORD}, language = {eng}, number = {2}, pages = {97--99}, title = {Evaluation of the use of Urocath-Gel (R) catheters for intermittent self-catheterization by male patients using conventional catheters for a long time.}, volume = {38}, year = {...
Nnabugwu, I.I.; Udeh, E.; Enivwenae, O.; Ugwumba, F.O.; Ozoemena, O.F.N. Reducing the burden of regular indwelling urinary catheter changes in the catheter clinics: The opinion of patients and relatives on the practice of self-catheterization.Patient Prefer. Adherence2014,8, 1179....