According to the analysis of heterozygosity transmission using 13 pericentromeric single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and 20 randomly distributed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, 11 triploids were identified to be originated from the fertilization of 2n megagametophyte...
According to the analysis of heterozygosity transmission using 13 pericentromeric single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and 20 randomly distributed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, 11 triploids were identified to be originated from the fertilization of 2n megagametophytes of 'Eureka' lemon, ...
ESTIMATING BODY COMPOSITION WITH BIOIMPEDANCE IN MALE AND FEMALE RATS ACROSS THE LIFE SPANAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1249/00005768-199505001-01161RogersM.E.CortrightR.N.SinningW.E.LemonMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
Mountjoy DJ, Lemon RE. Song as an attractant for male and female European starlings, and the influence of song complexity on their rResponse. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 1991; 28 (2):97–100.Mount;oy, D. J. & Lemon, R. E. 1991 Song as an attractant for male and female ...
ESTIMATING BODY COMPOSITION WITH BIOIMPEDANCE IN MALE AND FEMALE RATS ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN: 1161Rogers, M. E.Cortright, R. N.Sinning, W. E.Lemon, P. W.R.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential oil odor on behavioral, hormonal and neuronal parameters in male and female rats. Brain Res. 2004;1001(1):78-86.CECCARELLI, I.; LARIVIERE W.R.; FIORENZANI P.; SACERDOTE P.; ALOISI A.M. Effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential...
Diabetes reduces growth and body composition more in male than in female rats. Physiol Behav 60: 1233-1238, 1996.Cortright RN, Collins HL, Chandler MP, Lemon PW, DiCarlo SE (1996) Diabetes reduces growth and body composition more in male than in female rats. Physiol Behav 60:1233A1238...