Abbreviations of ROI names were listed in Supplementary Data 1. c Circular distribution of temporal weights of PCs (tPCs) from the start to the end of each brain state: AW (left, n = 2703 epochs), NREM (middle, n = 2498 epochs) and REM (right, n = 165 epochs). ...
with having both L2 and L3 largely separated from L1 (Fig.3c). The other sub-regions in gonads as well as all the sub-regions in liver, and G&L showed no such distinct patterns (Fig.3c, Additional file1: Figure S4a&S5a). Additional PCA that focused on both upstream...
The probable influence of genes and the environment on sex determination in Nile tilapia suggests that it should be regarded as a complex trait. Detection of sex determination genes in tilapia has both scientific and commercial importance. The main objec
DOSS (CAS #577-11-7) is also known as AOT, Aerosol OT, diethylhexyl sodium sulfosuccinate, Colace, Docusate sodium, and many other names. Structurally similar obesogens have been classified in literature as PPARγ agonists, including the anionic surfactants sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and ...
Associated Names I Met the Male Lead in Prison (Official Manhwa) IMMLP 감방에서 남자주인공을 만났습니다 Related Series N/A Recommendations Apollo’s Heart(5) Predatory Marriage(5) Obsession… What’s That? I Just Wish Someone Would Help Me Escape(4) ...
James Lipton drew out compelling, deeply personal, and inspirational stories from the biggest names in show business to benefit aspiring actors and filmmakers. Lipton began his entertainment career as a student of the performing arts, and his deep passion and innate talent eventually brought him to...
The animals were anesthetized with MS222 (Sigma, Deisenhofen, Germany) prior to manipulations. Table 1 List of specimens used in this study and taxonomic information. The tribe names follow the nomenclature of [57,58]. Note that the 'modern haplochromines' are a monophyletic subgroup of the...
Evolution of inverted repeat borders in selected land plants.Species names are abbreviated in circles. Vertical lines depict the borders of the IR relative to the detailed gene map fromE. arvenseshown at bottom. Thick, solid vertical lines in dark blue mark the putative ancestral IR borders. Thin...
“In the list below, we can’t prove to everyone’s satisfaction that John Ballard is the father of Joseph Ballard, but very much believe this so.” Thomas Ballard1717 – 1781 m1. Susannah Hesson Thomas died in Albemarle County, VA, where his Will, dated June 30, 1779 names his daught...
returning 2*80 bps long reads. This last step was performed with a custom Python script (all scripts available at, which also corrected the headers of the sequence names in order to allow compatibility with downstream tools. After these processing steps,...