Male Fern supposedly got its common name from the shape of the creeping rhizome which, in some way looks like a bear’s paw. The genus name Dryopteris, is derived from two Greek words, drys, meaning ‘tree’, and pteris, meaning ‘fern’. Many members of this genus are commonly referred...
Secondly, women’s sexual value decreases as they age, meaning there is no guarantee that your beautiful, vivacious, 27 year old bride will remain so at 37. In fact the odds are she wont. All of this makes betting your biological imperative on monogamy critically important and thus deserving...
This research aimed to explore the self-management strategies that Australian male farmers use to improve or maintain their psychological wellbeing and their views on what would assist them to overcome barriers to seeking professional mental health assis
Secondly, women’s sexual value decreases as they age, meaning there is no guarantee that your beautiful, vivacious, 27 year old bride will remain so at 37. In fact the odds are she wont. All of this makes betting your biological imperative on monogamy critically important and thus deserving...