Personal TrainerMy name is Mark. I am self-employed and work as a Personal Trainer. It pays to look your best at 36. You can email me with with your thoughts atmarktfh@aol.comI'm also looking for other opportunities, commercial, etc. ...
If you don’t want to participate in making the progress, that’s unfortunate, but at least let other people do what they want with their time without going “ugh that’s so unnecessary”. On the other hand, I have also seen many people do bad things in the name of "making ...
Male cat neutering, otherwise known as sterilisation, "fixing", desexing, castration (castrating) or by its correct veterinary name: orchiectomy (also termed gonadectomy), is the surgical removal of a male cat's testicles for the purposes of feline population control, medical health benefit, ...
Adèle is a high school junior newly arrived in her teenage sexuality. Her single encounter with a teenage boy is a sex scene that would be graphic to many American viewers, and yet we are meant to understand from her expressions that she is disinterested, distant, even bored. So this is ...
Gene IDaGene name and descriptionCluster PF3D7_1031000 P25, 25-kDa ookinete surface antigen precursor Female PF3D7_1246200 Actin I Female PF3D7_0816800 DMC1, meiotic recombination protein, putative Female PF3D7_1143100 AP2-O, AP2 domain transcription factor, putative Female PF3D7_0621400 Pf77...
Table A2 Sequencing primers used in this study Symbiont or Lymantria dispar gene Primer name Primer sequence (50 to 30) References Wolbachia spp. Wolbachia spp. Spiroplasma spp. Rickettsia spp. Arsenophonus spp. Spiroplasma spp., Rickettsia spp., Arsenophonus spp. and general eubacteria General...
The conceptual collaboration with the KL School of Ballet brought me this set of visuals, used to drive student recruitment for their Year 2013 flagship program. Special thanks to the model for painstakingly making the tutu himself, for almost baring it all in the name of art, and for endurin...
Severalethynylsubstituted polyimideprepolymershave been synthesized. National Starch and Chemical Corporation manufactured and marketed these resins under the tradename of Thermid 600 (Scheme 30). Sign in to download full-size image Scheme 30.:
There are too many to name, but especially James Davies, the ANU animal services team, S. Callander, A. Kahn, J. Livingston and B. Mautz. For advice we thank P. Backwell, J. Endler, L. Kruuk, D. Roche and E. Sherratt. We are indebted to Andrzej Kilian and Diversity Arrays ...
Scientific Name: Aulonocara sp. Maleri "Maleri Island" Common Name: Max Size: 6" pH: 7.5-8.4 Hardness: Hard Temperature: 74-82° Aggressiveness: Aggressive Region of Origin: Lake Malawi, Africa Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Diet: Flake or pellet Compatibility: Victorian Haps, Malawi ...