Male (Earth Tiger) born on 10th Month, 06 (Chinese Calendar) Monkey Hour (15-17) Female (Metal Snake) born on 9th Month, 02 (Chinese Calendar) Horse Hour (11-13) Can you calculate the compability? Compatibility for Dragon male and Horse female(0Reply)Asked byG***n ...
What is the compatability between a female rooster and male snake?
I am a female pig (01/27/84) and he's a male tiger (4/17/86). Should we mar...
No matter what kind of animal you have, dog, cat, rabbit, horse, pig, cow, turtle, iguana, snake, parrot, canary, cockatoo, parakeet, hen or rooster, duck, pigeon, squirrel, hamster, rat, mouse, guinea pig, frog, toad, monkey or chimpanzee in this app you will be able to find fu...
Tiger woman (October 29 1986) and rooster male ( June 4 1981) will be compa...
How compatible is a pair of Female 1985 (Wood Ox) and Male 1989 (Earth Snak...
Is the female pig scorpio compatible with the male rooster capricorn?
can a 1964 female dragon be compatible with a 1977 male snake and could it ...
i was born on 26 july 1983 n my bf was born on 20 nov 1981 n we are plannin...
I am a female pig and I am stuck between either a Snake male or a Dog male,...