male introductionsocial behaviorsocial managementtraumaIn captive populations of rhesus macaques, novel adult males are commonly introduced to female groups every few years to prevent inbreeding, which mimics male dispersal in wild macaque populations. However, introducing adult males is challenging because ...
2011. Male- skewed adult sex ratio, survival, mating opportunity and annual pro- ductivity in the Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Ibis 153: 312-322.Stenzel LE, Page GW, Warriner JC, et al. (2011) Male-skewed adult sex ratio, survival, 840 mating opportunity and annual ...
Male genitalia of Neotropical charaxinae: a comparative analysis of character variation. Journal of Insect Science, University of Wisconsin Libraries. 2013, 1-25.Bonfantti D, Casagrande MM, Mielke OHH (2013) Male genitalia of neotropical Charaxinae: a comparative analysis of character variation. J...
contraria var. nitelloides gives a complete portrayal of the process of spermatogenesis for the first time in the order Charales by recognizing the synchronies between the overall stages of spermatogenesis and all the developmental stages of the flagellar apparatus....
Male but not female Kentish plovers Charadrius alexandrinus modulate foraging behaviour according to tide during incubationVENICE (Italy)PLOVERSFEMALESLAGOONSMALESSEXUAL dimorphismDuring breeding, birds have to find a balance between reproductive tasks and the need to recover their energy. Foraging movements...
1995. Renesting by male dotterel Charadrius morinellus after successfully rearing chicks. Bird Study 42: 174-175.Smith, R.D. and Whitfield, D.P. 1995 . Re‐nesting by male Dotterel Charadrius morinellus after successfully rearing chicks. Bird Study , 42: 174–175. [Taylor & Francis ...
Crosses between eight cytosterile (A) lines from five different sources, their isonuclear maintainers (B) and six fertility restorers (R-lines) were effected in all possible combinations (A/B, A/R, B/B and B/R) to characterize the cytoplasmic systems. Based on the F_1 pollen and ...
A small percentage (4.5%) of females Kentish plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) observed breeding in southern Spain expressed a plumage trait characteristic of males: the forecrown (frontal) black bar. The expression of this male trait may be age-related, and reversible, i.e., within ...
Symeonidis, Evangelos N.Evgeni, EvangeliniPalapelas, VasileiosKoumasi, DimitraPyrgidis, NikolaosSokolakis, IoannisHatzichristodoulou, GeorgiosTsiampali, CharaMykoniatis, IoannisZachariou, AthanasiosMDPI AGAntioxidants
Pistachio by-product as an alternative forage source for male lambs: Effects on performance, blood metabolites, and urine characteristicsdoi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2015.11.011Pirouz Shakeri