My male cat has red staining to his urine, he isn't acting any different but is urinating on my dogs bed. I can't afford a trip to the vets till i get paid please help?Dr. Marie replied:A red tinge to a cat's urine is always a concern. It will almost always mean that there ...
8j. FAQ 4 - My veterinarian offered to perform a pre-anaesthetic blood screening test - is this necessary? 8k. FAQ 5 - When is feline desexing surgery not safe to perform? 9. The cost (price) of neutering cats: 9a. The typical cost of neutering a tom cat at a veterinary clinic...
The first thing I would recommend doing is to have your vet examine a urine sample form Storm to determine if there is a medical reason for his urinating. If a cat has crystals in the urine or inflammation in the bladder this can cause this bad behavior. ...
I really need help, i have a dog that is now one and a half years old, hes a cross between a jack russel and a yorkshire terrior and he has a problem with urinating. we're close to have to get rid of him because its becoming too much to handle. We got him when he was a pup...
Blood reference values for dogs. A chart of the normal blood values for dogs. Propylene glycol and cats. Why are cat foods not allowed to contain propylene glycol? Stop your cat from peeing in the house. Is your cat peeing in the house? There are several things you can do... View all...
Blood reference values for dogs. A chart of the normal blood values for dogs. Propylene glycol and cats. Why are cat foods not allowed to contain propylene glycol? Stop your cat from peeing in the house. Is your cat peeing in the house? There are several things you can do... View all...