6. Possible surgical and post-surgical complications of neutering cats. 6a. Pain after surgery (e.g. cat walking stiffly, not wanting to sit down and so on). 6b. Swollen, bruised, blood-filled scrotum after surgery. 6c. Wound infection. 6d. Penis and/or urethra laceration. 6e. ...
for males: neutering lessens aggression and urine marking, as well as roaming behaviors, which can result in serious injuries, diseases, and death; and in general: cats sterilized before puberty are less likely to exhibit undesirable behaviors secondary to sex hormones. "Cat owners who may ...
Neutering increases the risk of obesity in male dogs but not in bitches - A cross-sectional study of dog- and owner-related risk factors for obesity in Danish companion dogsOverweightCanineBody condition scoreLexington Attachment to Pets ScaleKnowledge of risk factors for canine obesity is an ...
for female dogs and cats, but it is less clear that neutering benefits individual males. The risks of some diseases occurring are reduced or eliminated by neutering (for example, testicular neoplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy), but other disease appear to be more common in neutered males, t...
it is more likely that it is due to being intact. Neutering him can help but I would tell you that the longer you wait to have that done and the more your cat performs this, it can become a learned behaviour that would persist even after being neutered, but I would still perf...
On the other hand, (group 4) showed a transient testicular swelling for only 1 day after treatment. There was no apparent scrotal or testicular tenderness or pain except for 1 treated cat from group 4; it showed decreased activity and feed intake a day after treatment. Serum Testosterone ...
Neutering without a Scalpel: Zeuterin Renders Male Dogs Sterile, without the Risks of Surgery or General AnesthesiaHerman, Jessica
WEEKEND: YOUR PETS: Will Neutering Make My Male Dog Less Aggressive?Byline: with PDSA vet Elaine PendleburyCoventry Evening Telegraph (England)
Appointments available for male dog and cat neuteringEmerson, Sandra
Strong support exists for the view that gonadectomy has a net health benefit for female dogs and cats, but it is less clear that neutering benefits individual males. The risks of some diseases occurring are reduced or eliminated by neutering (for example