* Estimate. Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. Citation formats Citation formats View options Other statistics on the topicDemographics of ...
and less than in Sweden and Denmark.Methods: Life tables from Utah, Denmark, and Sweden were used to calculate cohort life expectancies for men and women born in 1850-1910.Results: The sex difference in cohort life expectancy was similar or larger in Utah when compared with Denmark and ...
Furthermore, males born in 1951 and 1950 have longer MRDTs only in 8 and 7 countries respectively. Gompertz model results thus suggest that MRDTs are the same for males and females. Gompertz–Makeham model Contrary to the results of the Gompertz model, MRDTs calculated using the Gompertz–...
First, in all three high-income regions, smoking explained up to 50% of sex differences in period life expectancy between age 50 and 85 over the study period 1950–2015. Second, the decline in these sex differences since approximately 1980 is largely driven by smoking-attributable mortality. ...