male body-thebodyof amalehumanbeing male reproductive system-thereproductivesystemofmales genital organ,genitalia,genitals,private parts,privates-externalsexorgan scrotum-theexternalpouchthatcontainsthetestes ballock,testicle,testis,orchis,egg,ball,nut-oneofthetwomalereproductiveglandsthatproducespermatozoaandsecr...
Male artists tended to enhance the physicality of their subjects, aging children into adults, transforming nonhumans into humans, and portraying them with bodybuilder's physiques, while female artists tended to minimize or erase physicality. Both imagined situations that reflected the dangers of ...
Here male nudity is used throughout the evening to underline Michangelo's adoration of the male body as a conduit to the mind of God. Michelangelo Drawing Blood; Reviews The exhibition, which has been extended to run until March 4, is designed to show how the depiction of male nudity has...
Depending on the taxonomic group, hemispermatophore capsules may not have the same orientation inside the male body, and its orientation is, moreover, difficult to assess with accuracy without completely removing the tergites. On the other hand, the orientation of deposited spermatophores is always...
We sampled each mx value by drawing a number of daughters for a female from a Poisson distribution with mean equal to the best estimate of the mx value, repeating this random draw for the number of females SCIENTIFIC DATA | 3:160006 | DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.6 3
Gender then, is not a stable identity; instead, it is culturally constructed through the“repeated stylization of the body, a set of repeated acts… that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a natural sort of being”(Butler,1990:33). These acts are not singular; ra...
drawing on psychoanalytic theory, have explored this problematic quite comprehensively. By contrast, the male body has never been turned into an object of perception. In classical European culture, the male body therefore retained its subjective status which was related to power and heroism, concepts...
A device for receiving and positioning in a simulation of an erection the genital organ of an impotent male, which device comprises a sleeve- like body enclosed at one end and having the other end open for receiving the extremity of the male organ. After the organ is inserted, means is pr...
References Apicella, C. L. (2014). Upper-body strength predicts hunting reputations and reproductive success in Hadza hunter-gatherers. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 508–518.CrossRef Bergstrom, R. L., Neighbors, C., & Lewis, M. A. (2004). Do men find “bony” women attractive?
The genus Neotrogla (Figure 1A) contains four named species (adult body length 2.7–3.7 mm) [6, 7]. Its most striking feature is the presence of a large penis-like structure in the female, termed a gynosome (Figures 1, 2, and 3; Figures S1, S2, and S3 available online). We show...