Analysis of the neural circuitry that underlies sexual behavior showed changes in the number of cells expressing androgen and estrogen receptors in males exposed to NP at 5 μg/kg/day. The neural circuitry underlying sexual behavior is thus highly sensitive to adult exposure to NP. Furthermore, ...
et al. Body weight loss reverts obesity-associated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur. J. Endocrinol. 168, 829–843 (2013). This study reports the findings of a systematic review and meta-analysis that outline that weight gain suppresses and weight loss ...
Ideal Man: A Personal Look at Gay Male Body Image Obsession: Directed by Jesse Rose DeRooy, David Gilmore. With Dan Walton. A look into the gay male obsession with body image
5 easy changes you can make to your body language… tonight… that will have the hottest girls embarrassing themselves to get your attention! Page 99 Forget all that crap in relationship books. Here… based on over 2 decades of real-world research… is exactly when you should call a woman...
Mood changes, body mass index and bioavailable testosterone in healthy men: results of the Androx Vienna Municipality Study. (2004). Hormone profiles, body mass index and aging male symp- toms: Results of the Androx Vienna Municipality study. Aging Male, 7, 188-196... CW Kratzik,G Schatzl...
In a nested case-control design the Body Mass Index at 18 years of age was related to 32-year mortality from coronary heart disease (ICD-codes: 410–414) and cancer (ICD-codes: 140–208) among the 1932 Dutch male birth cohort. By means of a logistic regression model the risk ratios ...
The observation that FucM-/- female mouse exhibits a phenotypic similarity to a wild-type male in terms of its sexual behavior appears to be due to the neurodevelopmental changes in preoptic area of mutant brain resembling a wild-type male. Since the previous studies indicate that AFP plays a...
Yearly changes in male and female fledging body condition (BC; panel A) and yearly sex ratio at fledging according to fledging BC difference between males and females (panel B) in king penguins.Celia...
A well-documented phenomenon among social insects is that brain changes occur prior to or at the onset of certain experiences, potentially serving to prime the brain for specific tasks. This insight comes almost exclusively from studies considering developmental maturation in females. As a result, it...
This study investigated whether undifferentiated germ and/or somatic stem cells remain in the differentiated ovary of a species that does not undergo sex changes under natural conditions and retain their sexual plasticity. The effect of aromatase inhibitor (AI)-treatment on sexually mature female zebraf...