Serum testosterone levels in male and female subjects with standard and anomalous dominance, International Journal of Neuroscience, 58, 21 1-2 14.Tan, U. (1991). "Serum testosterone levels in male and female subjects with standard and anomalous dominance", International Journal of Neuroscience, ...
as well as bone, breast, brain, and adipose tissues (Durdiakova et al.2011). Aromatase catalyzes the conversion of testosterone into estradiol, which binds to estrogen receptors (Stocco2012). Estradiol has traditionally been considered a female sex hormone, but it...
T. et al. Genetic analyses implicate complex links between adult testosterone levels and health and disease. Commun. Med. 3, 4 (2023). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Colson, N. J., Lea, R. A., Quinlan, S., MacMillan, J. & Griffiths, L. R. The estrogen ...
Serum testosterone levels were determined in female and male subjects. Hand preference was assessed by the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. Subjects with anomalous dominance (left-handers, mixed-handers, and right-handers with familial sinistrality) were compared to subjects with standard dominance (right...
Here, we show that testosterone (T)-dependent male attractiveness enhances female preference for males of a polygamous species, the Japanese quail. A significant positive correlation between female mating preference and circulating T in the male was observed. The cheek feathers of attractive males ...
I have a feeling my Testosterone Levels are low because I have very little libido. … Orchidometer! Develop Bigger Testicles! Not rated yetI am 19 years old and I am a 4 on the orchidometer. I've been to a endocrinologist and everything is normal hormonally. The endocrinologist said …...
In birds, although the role of male ornamentation, plumage coloration, genetic dissimilarity, and body size have on mate selection by females have been examined extensively, few studies have clarified exactly how these characteristics affect female mate preferences. Here, we show that testosterone (T...
The neural circuitry processing male sexual behavior is tightly regulated by testosterone and its neural metabolite estradiol. The present study evaluated the effects of adult exposure to low doses of nonylphenol (NP), a widespread environmental contamin
In tufted capuchins, males show clear elevations of testosterone during the peak of adult female sexual activity (Lynch et al., 2002) and in Japanese macaques males competing for estrous females have increased testosterone levels (Muroyama et al., 2007). Finally, in male golden lion tamarins ...
METHODS: Forty-five female-to-male transsexual persons post SRS completed a standardized questionnaire assessing sexual desire (Sexual Desire Inventory). In addition, participants were asked questions on sexual desire before starting hormone treatment and having SRS. Serum levels of testosterone, LH and...