Partition A3 was then replaced, and the female was nudged into the other half of the central chamber. The first male was then introduced into the male chamber (either M1 or M2) facing the female and allowed to court her for 5 min. Once the male had begun his initial courtship display,...
The relative growth of chelipeds and abdomen and muscle pro- duction in male and female redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus von Martens. Aquaculture 123: 249-257.Gu, H., Mather, P.B. and Capra, M.F., The relative growth of chelipeds and abdomen and muscle production in male and ...
The (male or female) authority in point is brought to the foreground as early as the first contacts between the partners. The whole "courtship", "proposal", "dealing" with the bride's father (moment often associated with engagement), wedding rituals, etc., show the division of authority ...
We further identified a reciprocal Wolbachia-sensitive male-to-female communication that regulates the compatibility range of eggs. We propose a model whereby Wolbachia manipulate gamete compatibility in Drosophila by perturbing communication between male and female pupae. Results Wolbachia Perturb Female-to...
6. In some animal species, males engage in elaborate courtship rituals to attract females and compete with other males for mating opportunities. 7. In many cultures, males are traditionally expected to take on certain roles and responsibilities, such as being the breadwinner or head of the househ...
“The loser males may not have access to the resources that the winners do, but they are not as aggressive toward their female partners,” Bondar writes. “The females prefer to mate with less aggressive males in order to protect themselves from courtship abuse by dominant males.” ...
The (male or female) authority in point is brought to the foreground as early as the first contacts between the partners. The whole "courtship", "proposal", "dealing" with the bride's father (moment often associated with engagement), wedding rituals, etc., show the division of authority ...
Pheromones play an important role in modifying vertebrate behavior, especially during courtship rituals (Wyatt 2014). The courtship behavior within the urodele group often includes female exposure to secretions from the cloacal gland, as well as other scent glands. The first vertebrate proteinaceous ...
The (male or female) authority in point is brought to the foreground as early as the first contacts between the partners. The whole "courtship", "proposal", "dealing" with the bride's father (moment often associated with engagement), wedding rituals, etc., show the divi...
Video S1. Winged and wingless males competing for a female, related to Figure 1 Video S2. Acoustic signals emitted during natural wing movements, related to Figure 4 Video S3. Head-fixed males courting a fictive female transition to agonistic displays with playback of courtship song, related to...