Large numbers of black Americans have turned to mainstream Islamic practices and communities sinceMalcolm X'sconversion to Sunni Islam in 1964. Like Malcolm X, black American Sunni Muslims see themselves as part of the mainstream Muslim community in the world of Islam and study Arabic, fast during...
Code JavaScript4CSS | LESS | SCSS3Python2Typescript2C#2HTML1 Database MySQL/MariaDB3MSSQL2PostgreSQL1 Framework AppStudio2SSRS2Angular1 Featured Posts Jamstack This is about what made the website you're currently looking at. Recent Posts ...
you’re partway to untangling it. Having said that, you areonlypartway—it’s easy to think that just because you have a conceptual model of “this triggers that memory from 3rd grade” doesn’t mean you aren’t still triggered. Untangling itdoesactually require...
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that as the Earth speeds around the sun turning on its axis 10371/3 miles per hour it creates gravity and the strong attracting power of the sun pulls on the waters of the Earth, drawing them up into the Earth's atmosphere in fine mist that the naked ...
I would say that the writing is generally easy to read, but Gladwell makes many valid points throughout his books; he additionally covers interesting topics that normally would not be talked about。I think my main quibble with Outliers (hence the deduction of a star) was that I felt like ...