Related to Malcolm X:Black Panthers,Stokely Carmichael Mal·colm X (măl′kəm ĕks′)OriginallyMalcolm Little.1925-1965. American activist. A member of the Nation of Islam (1952-1963), he advocated separatism and black pride. After converting to orthodox Islam, he founded the Organization...
(March 1965), he came to believe that leaders of the Nation of Islam and powerful elements within the U.S. government wanted him dead; the only legal trial put all the blame on members of the Nation of Islam.Alex Haleyhelped immortalize him as coauthor ofThe Autobiography of Malcolm X(...
1991. Malcolm X: The FBI File. New York: Carroll & Graf. Estell, Kenneth. 1994. African America: Portrait of a People. Detroit: Visible Ink. "Malcolm X Scores U.S. and Kennedy." 1963. New York Times (December 2). Malcolm X, with Alex Haley. 1984. The Autobiography of Malcolm X....
reading her physical copies. We both love the books, wish we knew who sent them so we could thank them because these are the absolute best books I’ve read in my lifetime and it’s hard to believe they are in the fiction genre because they seem more like a memoir or autobiography!!