Asia- the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations Malay,Malayan- a member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the wes...
Malaysian populationmultivariate analysisDismembered human remains are frequently found in cases of mass disasters and criminal mutilation. In order to establish personal identity, race is among the major categories of the basic biological profile, apart from sex, age, stature, anomalies and pathologies....
In this paper, we have studied a construct code recognition system using a neural network according to an image process taking the DOT classification code stamped on a tire surface. It happened that sometimes characters of the code were distorted at the edge by diffused reflection and two adjacen...
Wikipedia Malaysian General Elections Results by Parliamentary Constituency scraped on 30th August 2018 Malaysia Parliamentary Carto 2018 by Danesh Prakash Chacko from Tindak Malaysia Population Statistics by the Department of Statistics Malaysia R libraries geojsonio, tidyverse, leaflet, htmltools , shiny ...
The present study was undertaken to study the gender differences in fingerprint ridge density in Chinese and Malaysian population. The study done on 200 subjects (100 males and 100 females) of Chinese origin and 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females) of Malaysian origin revealed that significant...
While this method allows for the recruitment of a larger number of participants, it may not accurately reflect the broader population. The reliance on social networks for distribution means that the sample may be over-representative of certain groups (e.g., those more active on social media) an...
After all, Bumiputeras make up 67% of the population of the country and if GLC companies’ equity was monetized, the entire equity held by Bumiputera’s should exceed the 30% threshold. However, the truth of the matter is 80% of Bumiputera households in the country earn less than RM3,00...
very look alike Blue-Whistling-Thrush, and very small population … 2. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, Polyplectron inopinatum rare and shy pheasant , lucky to have few friendly families . and this is when male displaying to attract the female attention . 3. Malaysian Hill Partridge,砍...
The overall internal consistency was reported as good. Conclusion The modified 36-item Malay-EBPQ had moderate internal consistency, reliable and fit with multi-dimensional measures of eating behaviors and dietary patterns among women in the multi-racial population with cultural diversity....
In multiethnic Malaysian population, the nasal profile and skin thickness in the Oriental Chinese and Malay noses vary from the Caucasian Middle Eastern and Indian noses. Augmentation rhinoplasty is more common in Oriental Chinese or Malay noses whereas reduction rhinoplasty is more common in Middle Ea...