Majority of them were Malays, attained secondary ducation and above, married, unemployed, and in advanced cancer stages. Most patients had low FoP levels, with a smaller proportion having moderate-to-high FoP levels (10.7%). Higher education (AOR = 5.10, P = 0.050), being employed...
If you are truly serious about getting married to a Malaysian mail order brides’ service, you have to do some background checking first. A reputable agency should offer you with a guarantee. You have to see if they have any history of defrauding their clients. You have to also make sure...
In a poignant concluding chapter, Teo peels back the layers of a wound as she recollects the reactions to her work over the years. Responses ranged from those who are surprised that poverty exists in swanky Singapore, to those who trivialise the plight of the people she describes, or deny ...
Perhaps it was with this in mind that FAMA decided to replacedurianwithpetaiat thepromotional food fair Malaysia Festin Singapore. It can be brought in large quantities, bring in the petai lovers and satisfy some cravings. The pods also look impressive in big bunches so at least it looks goo...
Does anyone know why you can’t find potholes in Singapore roads? Has anyone heard about the story during the good old days when the old man LKY was on board. One fine day he was on the road and his car hit a pothole, next day someone’s head in the ...
these initiatives have disabused many reformers otherwise willing to accept administrative incorporation of hopes of genuine influence. Overall, there are fewer consolidated state-sponsored, extra-parliamentary MOPs in Malaysia than in Singapore or the Philippines, even despite the launch, post-publication...
The certificate is usually issued by local marriage management bureau/office. After getting it, you...
I completed my fellowship training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2015. I have been honoured to do visiting fellowship/scholarship at Singapore General Hospital and Kyushu University Hospital, Japan during my fellowship training period. And I just pursued a hands-on fellowship in ESD, POEM, ...
Looking ahead, Mr Chou said he is exploring entering the Malay book market in Singapore. The company started selling Malay books in Malaysia two years ago. This is a major change for the 91-year-old company, which was founded by Mr Chou’s father Chou Sing Chu in 1924. ...