1、旅游准证[VISITPASS(SOCIAL)]:发给入境旅游或探亲者,按不同的国别给予14天至3个月不等的停留期,中国游客一般可取得14天的停留期;特殊情况,如探望马籍配偶者,可申请最长至6个月的停留期。 2、商务访问准证[VISITPASS(BUSSINESS)]:发给入境进行商贸活动、新闻采访及参加体育比赛者,按不同的国别给予1至3个月...
Long-Term Social Visit Pass: For foreign spouses and children of Malaysian citizens or permanent residents, allowing them to stay in Malaysia for a longer period. Dependent Pass: Issued to the dependents of foreign nationals holding a valid Employment Pass, allowing families to live together in Ma...
Covering letter:需要列明该申请中所包括的申请人姓名,申请人如何在马来西亚支撑生活,所适用的资产要求 IM.12 Social Visit Pass三份 MM2H申请表一份 主申请人以及配偶(如果随行)的护照尺寸蓝底照片各4张 主申请人以及配偶(如果随行)的护照首页以及出入境签章页的认证件Certified true copy 如果当前护照有效期不到一...
陪读签证:马来西亚政府允许留学生父母、配偶及子女申请陪读签证,但陪读人员不得在马来西亚工作。申请需提交护照、关系证明等材料,并向EMGS申请,审核通过后获得12个月的长期探视签证LTSVP(Long term social visit pass),陪读签费用在1000马币。未成年留学生的家长可以办理陪读签证,还有攻读超过12个月学习期限的硕士、博士...
The Social Visit Pass is initially for a period of 10 years, and is renewable. It is open to citizens of all countries recognised by Malaysia regardless of race, religion, gender or age. Applicants are allowed to bring their spouses and unmarried children below the age of 21 as dependents ...
This stamp, or social visit pass, can also be extended for two months once you are in the country. While in Malaysia, Americans should carry their passports with them at all times. Travelers are required to carry their passports for travel from peninsular Malaysia to eastern Malaysia (on ...
Long Term Social Visit Pass, which is issued to foreigners who want to stay in Malaysia for longer than six months and fulfill the requirements. However, you cannot work or become self-employed with this Pass. If you are the spouse/partner of a Malaysian citizen, you can receive this Pass...
When a student decides to stay a year after graduation, they have the options of furthering their studies, traveling or working part-time. The Graduate Pass, also known as the new Social Visit Pass, was introduced by Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim back in December 2023. ...
Malaysia launched a new social visit pass named PLS@XPATSin October 2022, which allows social visit pass holders to work in the country for up to 30 days. The nature of the work must be considered critical or urgent and is only allowed in selected sectors, such as education, construction,...
counties have been approved to use automated e-gates at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) main terminal as well as the KLIA2 hub favoured by low-cost airlines such as AirAsia, Jetstar Asia and Scoot, provided they fulfil the requirements of the country’s Social Visit Pass – an ent...