Background: Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) must be tailored to the target populations because dietary habits vary within the populations due to differences in cultural and lifestyles practices. Limited information is available to assess the validity of FFQ used among Malaysian adolescents. Objective:...
To address limited food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) capacity in public health monitoring in Malaysia, we aimed to develop a semi-quantitative FFQ for an adult multiethnic population for comprehensive fatty acid (FA) profiling inclusive of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty...
MANS is a nationally representative population-based survey that utilized a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess individual-level dietary intake. A total of 2952 individuals were interviewed. A full description of the data collection and analysis methodology is available in the ...
We also opted to extract food consumption details from self-reported dietary records rather than using a food frequency questionnaire as we needed exhaustive information on dietary fats and “foods away from home-based consumption”, which would otherwise be missed using these regular questionnaires. ...
Information collected in the questionnaire includes socio-demographic characteristics, participants’ medical history and family history of chronic diseases, teaching characteristics and burden, questions on smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activities (IPAQ); a food frequency questionnaire, the job ...
Energy and nutrient intakes, food group intake and food variety score were analyzed from 24 h dietary recalls and food-frequency questionnaire. Daily physical activity of the women was examined as the number of hours spent in economic, domestic, leisure and sport activities. Results: Using the...
Dietary intake was estimated using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The results show that the mean daily intake of energy was 1764 ± 378 kcal/day, protein was 72.38 ± 33.6 g/day (16.5% of energy), carbohydrate was 243.0 ± 62.2 g/day (55% of energy) and fat ...
Food intake pattern was collected from 382 breast cancer patients and 382 control group via an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire. Logistic regression was used to compute odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and a broad range of potential confounders was included in...
Among the lifestyle variables tested, exercise frequency, fermen- ted food consumption frequency, and access to piped drinking water were all found to be associated with the microbiota Shannon diversity (linear mixed model, LRT p < 0.1, Supplemen- tary Table 6, Supplementary Fig. 6). Seven ...
Information collected in the questionnaire includes socio-demographic characteristics, participants??? medical history and family history of chronic diseases, teaching characteristics and burden, questions on smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activities (IPAQ); a food frequency questionnaire, the job ...