老美霸權從現在的疲憊到于20年内消失;還有以色列多多年后最終必然滅國(請看聖經古蘭經);那全是定數! 由於毒氣是可以隨風彌漫;居于半山中的大馬M40人民 也不見得舒服! T20的爲了自保,也不太可能下山冒險中毒救中下游Lower Stream! 不過可以肯定的在山頂上的,是非常舒服的一年! 除非甲木(雷電 Thunder)突然抨擊山頂!
The T20 group is defined as the median household income of at least RM13,148, while the M40 and B40 groups' median household incomes are RM6,275 and RM3,000, respectively [2]. Over the years, the bar for each group's income level has increased. This is one of the indicators of ...
始于1990年代中期的Ketuanan Melayu(Malay Domination) 到现在2023/24年 马来人本族都不在相信它的威力,因为它怎么开始崛起就怎么衰弱下滑! 乙木(大马)非常需要丙火(华裔)的。乙木(大马)生长,没有阳光(华裔)的贡献根本不行的! 乙木(大马)是丙火(华裔)的正印(政权,民权,人权),对丙火(华裔)是很好的,也很包容(所...
Malaysia’s property market sector will continue to recover although at a slower pace with Asia Pacific facing significant headwinds and an overcast global economy in 2023, said global property consultancy Knight Frank Malaysia. Group managing director Keith Ooi said introducing green incentives shou...
Similarly, if you think that you are theenergetic dragonthis year to expandaggressively, you may end up in disappointment! Because your energy/vibration isMiddle Path 戊土(moderate)! Step 3:Your Intangible Emotion(EQ)can determine your destiny outcome!
In terms of monthly income, the researcher found that the majority came from the “M40” income group, with 42.3%, while another 32.7% represented the income group of “B40”, and 25.0% were from the income earners of “T20”. The occupations of the respondents comprised four categories. ...
stratification based on the Department of Statistics Malaysia showed that 39.9% of respondents were classified under the Bottom 40% (B40) income range, 45.4% earned within the Middle 40% (M40) income range, and only 14.6% of the respondents were categorized within the Top 20% (T20) group. ...
From the socioeconomics category in Table 1, following the Malaysian government classification of B40 for low-income, M40 for middle-income, and T20 for high-income, as many as 51.6% of the respondent are middle-income earners, and 30.3% are high-income earners, the remaining 18.1% are low...
marital status had significant association with resilience level, with low household income (B40 group) being a predictor of lower resilience. The BRS-M demonstrated favourable psychometric properties in terms of reliability and validity to assess the level of resilience among non-academic staff in ...