The inflation rate is the annual rate of increase of a price index, normally the consumer price index over time. If the same item bought today for 1 U.S. dollar is bought again one year from now, but for 1.03 U.S. dollars, then the inflation rate is at 3 percent. Generally, a lo...
PGTF Senior Black Belt Up-Grading Test on 1st Dec 2019 8th Annual General Meeting at Sahara Tent Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur on 15th September 2019 Deepest condolences to our late President Dato' Othman Talib, RIP on 24th April 2019 Our deepest condolences to the great loss of beloved family ...
In 2024, the number of connections of Internet of Things (IoT) in Malaysia reached around 11.77 million, an increase from around 9.66 million connections in the previous year. Statista Market Insights estimated that the number of IoT connections will continue to increase and reach more than 22 ...
Indonesia and Malaysia, which scored equally in the index this year, have long been popular destinations for Muslim tourists; Indonesia had previously topped the ranking in the 2019 report, while Malaysia has consistently been at the forefront of the GMTI since 2015. Singapore ranked 12th, making ...
1.11 Are there any specifically environment-related obligations or risks for aircraft owners, airlines, financiers, or airports in your jurisdiction, and to what extent is your jurisdiction a participant in (a) the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) or a national equivalent, and (b) ICAO’...
Khazanah Nasional, Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, has said that its equity in Malaysia Airlines (MH, Kuala Lumpur International) had been diluted due to the debt-to-equity conversions that have been part of the troubled flag carrier’s debt restructuring scheme, Shahril Ridza Ridzuan, the ...
Indonesia and Malaysia, which scored equally in the index this year, have long been popular destinations for Muslim tourists; Indonesia had previously topped the ranking in the 2019 report, while Malaysia has consistently been at the forefront...
Locally, Malaysian Aviation Group has signed a memorandum of understanding to receive more than 230,000 tons of SAF starting in 2027, following the operation of its first flight using SAF in 2022, with additional airlines expected to announce voluntary targets, especially for international flights ...
As Malaysia is moving closer toward becoming a cashless society, the transaction value of credit cards in the country reached nearly 200 billion Malaysian ringgit in 2023. This was an increase of more than 22 billion Malaysian ringgit compared to the previous year. Despite a decrease in 2020, ...
(a) actual (f) forecast Source: EIU Viewswire PwC | Doing Business In Malaysia 2023 Services: Wholesales & retail trade - 17.5% Finance & insurance - 7.1% Information & communication - 6.6% Source: Bank Negara Malaysia Annual Report 2022 9 Investment environment Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter ...