Darshana Rajendran, and Fahadh Faasil. The story revolves around three people: Alex (Shahir), his girlfriend Archana (Rajendran), and a guy named Unni (Faasil), whom the lovers encounter at the house they take refuge in for a night during a weekend outing, thanks to heavy rain...
Kailasanathan is the Malayalam dubbed version of Hindi mythological serial Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev. The show tells the mesmerizing story of Lord... Amma Amma was a Malayalam drama series telecasted on Asianet. It is one of the longest running serial in the channel. ...
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conflict, the political intentions are pretty clear, and the good thing is that Vinesh Viswanath’s film never becomes a movie that makes kids speak big political statements for…Continue readingSthanarthi Sreekuttan Review | A Class Politics Story Set In a Classroom, Marked by Forgivable ...
Story : Syam Pushkaran, Dileesh Nair Screenplay-Dialogue : Shashank Khaitan Direction : Aashiq Abu Producer : Aashiq Abu, Santhosh T. Kuruvilla, Amal Neerad Genre : Romance, Drama Runtime : 136 min Release Date : 22 December 2017 Blu-ray Features: ...
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The latest MC Jithin film, Sookshamdarshini, starring Nazriya Nazim along with Basil Joseph, is a well-written investigative thriller that uses the idea of distraction pretty effectively to narrate a story that had all the possibility of becoming a generic murder mystery with a usual motive. By...
Interactive Menus of Songs & Scenes for Easy Access Plot Ee.Ma.Yau is the one of the finest films in Mollywood in a very long time. Nobody is leaving without shedding a drop of tear or without a heavy heart after watching the movie. Set in Chellanam, Kochi, the story of Ee. Ma....
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s Tamil dark comedy,Super Deluxe(Netflix), where he plays Mugil, a cuckold who tries to help his wife (Samantha Akkineni) get rid of her lover’s body. Then there’s his endearing portrayal of Prakashan inNjan Prakashan(Netflix), a coming-of-age story played with hilarity by the ...