Bazooka is an upcoming Indian Malayalam-language action thriller film written and directed by Deeno Dennis in his directorial debut. The film stars Mammootty in the lead role. The film is produced by Dolwin Kuriakose, Jinu V. Abraham, Vikram Mehra and Sidharth Anand Kumar under the banners of...
Written and directed by Rohit M. G. Krishnan, ‘Iratta’ (‘Twin’) is amurder mysteryfilm that tops our list of Malayalam movies on Netflix. Following the death of his twin brother ASI Vinod, DySP Pramod begins looking into the case. The initial three suspects all had motives to kill ...
a Best Film with Popular and Aesthetic Value, Best Actor, Best Character Actress,andBest Debut Actor.At the2018 National Film Awards,it won another award for being theBest Feature Film in Malayalam.The film also made it toTHE HINDU's List of 25 top Malayalam Movies of the Decade.The...
Vast Movie Library: Explore Over 500+ Malayalam film, from classic gems to the latest releases. We continuously update our catalog to ensure you stay up to date with the best in Malayalam cinema. User-Friendly Interface: Our app offers an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it ...