‘Forensic’ is acrime thrillerthat brings an investigating officer and a medico-legal advisor together (two people who have some history but thankfully not the romantic kind) as they try to catch aserial killerwho primarily targets young kids. This film does not delve into the details of the...
This Indian Tamil-language psychological action thriller written and directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu had a theatrical release in August 2022. Starring Vikram in a double role alongside Irfan Pathan, Srinidhi Shetty, Roshan Mathew, K. S. Ravikumar, Anandaraj, Robo Shankar, Miya George, Mirnalini...
Operation Java is a film made of thriller and crime elements. The film was bothdirected and written by Tharun Moorthy,while the producer of the film was V Cinemas International. The cast is made up of multiple lead or prominent roles. It comprises Mamitha Baiju as Alphonsa, Balu Varghese a...