Reliability and validity of the Malay international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ-M) among a Malay population in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific journal of Public Health. 2015;27(2):2381-2389Chu, A.H. & Moy, F.M. 2012. Reliability and validity of the Malay International Physical Activity ...
Malay Ma·lay1 /məˈleɪ $ məˈleɪ, ˈmeɪleɪ/ noun 1. [countableC] someone from the largest population group in Malaysia 2. [uncountableU] the language of these people Malay2 adjectiveadj from or connected with Malaysia ...
Asia - the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations Malay, Malayan - a member of a people inhabiting the northern Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishMa‧lay1/məˈleɪ$məˈleɪ, ˈmeɪleɪ/noun1[countable]someone from the largestpopulationgroupinMalaysia2[uncountable]thelanguageof these peopleMalay2adjectivefrom orconnectedwith Malaysia ...
Chinese, Malay and India must share a certain proportion in every block. 每一座楼入住华人,马来人及印度人的比例都各有限制。 A dialect of Malay is the official language of Indonesia. 印尼语马来语的一种方言,被指定为印度尼西亚的官方语言。
in the Dutch East Indies. The modern Indonesian language was formed as a result of the synthesis of “low” and “high” Malay, modeled on classical Malay. The modern Malay literary language of Malaysia, also known as Malaysian, differs from Indonesian chiefly in vocabulary but also to some ...
To determine the psychometric properties and performance of Malay and English versions of the EQ-5D-5L descriptive instrument in the general Malaysian population.1137 members of the Malaysian general public were sampled in this national study. Respondents were recruited by quota sampling of urbanicity,...
of, relating to, or characteristic of a racially intermixed people who are the dominant population of theMalay Peninsulaand adjacent islands. of or relating to the language or culture of these people. noun an Austronesian language of Malaysia and Singapore, differing from Indonesian only in orthogra...
MALAYSIAANTHROPOLOGYFACIAL anatomyRACIAL differencesPOPULATION densityFacial analysis is anthropologically useful to identify the racial, ethnical, and sexual differences. The present study was done to see the sex difference and variation of facial index among Malaysian population. Cross-sectional descriptive ...
Among the multiethnic population of Malaysia (covering the Malay Peninsula and the states of Sarawak and Sabah in Borneo) of 19.4 million (approximately divided into 59% Malays, 32% Chinese, 8% Indians, and 1% Others), many languages and related dialects are spoken, but Malay (or Bahasa Mala...