(redirected fromMalay language) Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Baha′sa Malay′sia n. the form of Malay used as the official language of Malaysia. Also calledBaha′sa Ma′lay. [< Malay: Malaysian language] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd...
Wikipedia Related to Malay:Malay Archipelago 1.a member of a people living chiefly in Malaysia and Indonesia who are descendants of Mongoloid immigrants 2.the language of this people, belonging to the Malayo-Polynesian family Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook MAL (redirected fromMalay) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Malay:Malay Archipelago Category filter: AcronymDefinition MALMalta(Amtrak station code; Malta, MT) MALMy Anime List MALMalay(language) ...
Arabic ↔ Malay; Spanish ↔ Malay; French ↔ Malay; German ↔ Malay; Italian ↔ Malay; Portuguese ↔ Malay; Russian ↔ Malay; Japanese ↔ Malay; Chinese ↔ Malay; Hindi ↔ Malay;to name but the most popular...We can source translation expertise for virtually any language ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Malay Peninsula Dictionary Thesaurus Wikipedia Malay Peninsula(məlāˈ, māˈlā), southern extremity (c.70,000 sq mi/181,300 sq km) of the continent of Asia, lying between the Andaman Sea of the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca on the west an...