Sollewijn Gelpke, ‘On the Origin of the Name Papua’, BTLV 149, no. 2: 322–6. 30 Ibid., 326–7, citing Freerk C. Kamma, De Messiaanse Koréri-bewegingen in het Biaks-Noemfoorse cultuurgebied (Den Haag: J.N. Voorhoeve, 1954), Proposition 7. See also Anton Ploeg, ‘“De ...
All the phone units are phonetically transcribed to preserve the phonetic context of its origin that will be used for phonetic context unit. This speech corpus had been labeled at phoneme level and used for variable length continuous phoneme based concatenation. Speech corpus is one of the major...
and Malay (n = 74) individuals with current depression and never-depressed, healthy controls living in their country of origin. Australia is considered an individualistic culture, whereas Iran and Malaysia are considered collectivistic societies (Iran is rated less collectivistic than Malaysia)46. ...
In the local understanding, saka originates from a jinn that lives in the body or nearby environment. It was bequeathed by the ancestors or parents. If the patient does not take care of it, there will be disturbances. Disturbances by jinn are well-known in the place of the research ...
Origin of the Peranakans Along with the migration movement, a mixture of immigrants’ and host country’s culture sometimes will give birth to a modified or new culture along with new practices, beliefs and food. The relationship between the Peranakans and Nyonya cuisine is an example of the ...
1 "The Malays believe that the power to inform a spirit, a wild beast, or any natural object, such as iron rust, of the source from which it originates (usul asal ka-jadi-an-nyd), renders it powerless." H. Clifford in No. 3 of the Publications of the R.A.S., S.B., ...
Malay language, member of the Western, or Indonesian, branch of the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) language family, spoken as a native language by more than 33,000,000 persons distributed over the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and the numerous smal