Originality/value – Since the enactment of the public procurement legislation in Malawi, no research has been documented on the challenges and opportunities the public procurement act and the acquisition of library materials. This research seeks to bridge the literature gap....
are duty bearers, and are required to act in terms of international cooperation to ensure all children have their rights fulfilled. In view of these obligations and the finding that there would be faster SDG progress if tax abuse was reduced, countries which facilitate ...
PACAM has advocated for the Malawian government to review the Narcotics Act, but regime changes may have hindered progress. The findings from this scoping review show that various areas of palliative care research have been explored in Malawi. Several studies have been conducted to understand the ...
The partnerships between the Malawi Ministry of Health and PACAM also improved opioid availability, as did the public-private partnerships in Uganda [8]. Following PACAM’s recommendation for a universal system of morphine procurement, all palliative care service providers currently procure directly from...
Corruption seems particularly rife in the realm of public procurement. This paper posits that while the law may commonly be invoked in aid when tackling corruption, it is important to critically reflect on its contribution in fostering and/or enabling corruption. By specifically focusing on the law...
The study was aimed at assessing the factors that hinder the adoption of E-Procurement systems in the Public Sector organisations in Malawi. The study adopted a survey method. The study has established that poor supplier readiness, lack of end user training, bureaucracy in the public sector, ...
D.The Impacts of Covid-19 on the Power Sector in sub-Saharan Africa, and the Role of the Power Sector in SocioEconomic Recovery; Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Bonn, Germany, 2020; Available online:https://www.kas.de/documents/282730/8327029/Covid_Energy_SSA_publication.pdf/efc74763-8f85-39c6...
The Public Health (Corona Virus Prevention, Containment and Management) Rules; no. 1; Malawi Government Gazette: Lilongwe, Malawi, 2020; p. 16. Available online: https://commons.laws.africa/akn/mw/act/gn/2020/48/media/publication/mw-act-gn-2020-48-publication-document.pdf (accessed on 20...
Family planning (FP) has been a global health priority for decades, yet barriers persist, including women being turned away from facilities without receiving services. This study assessed the provider role and perspective in client turnaway in three dist
AIArtificial Intelligence for Policy Analysis, Governance and Society (AI-PAGES)Asian Perspectives on Active Aging: Meaning, Purpose and HopeAt Risk Youth: A Focus on Technology-Assisted Adolescent Dating ViolenceAudiovisual Political Communication and Its Impact on the Formation of Public OpinionBacklash...