o When you create an account or profile with us, we ask for information such as your name, date of birth, or contact information such as phone number and email address. o If you order a product or paid service from us, we ask for your name, address, contact information, and shipping...
otherwise we’d be facing a roughly 28 km or 18 mile day and we’d not get back to the campsite before dark. Dickson arranged with a local truck to pick us up outside the waterfall in an hour or so, giving them his cell phone number to ...
HSAs recorded: the child’s full name, date of birth, gender and the parents/caregiver’s, and telephone number (if they have one) in the space provided on the study consent document for caregivers that consented to participate (see Additional file 6 and 7). Collecting patient identifiers ...
the refrigerator is ok if we keep it closed the whole time. It’s the productivity that suffers. No power means limited computers, no printer, no internet, and – more concerning – no cell phone coverage or data. The cell towers don’t have adequate back-up, so when the power is off...
Motivations for accessing HIV treatment and care were different among men and women, pushing the need for gender-tailored counseling services and community messaging that educate both men and women on the benefits of initiating ART early, in turn reducing the number of people presenting with AHD. ...
However, the use of infomediaries to offer access to the "have nots" may be influenced by a number of factors. Methodology The study uses a case of a maternal mHealth intervention project in Malawi, as well as a qualitative research method and interpretive paradigm. Data was coll...