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The criteria above were observed to lead to essentially uninflated association test statistics (Supplementary Fig. 18). In particular, we noted that a set of SNPs close to the ends of chromosomes were excluded by these criteria; more information on this is provided in Supplementary Note 2 and ...
The responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and thematically for the open-ended questions to identify key challenges and practices in malaria control and prevention. For data collection on characteristics of suspected malaria cases in the outpatient department, a ...
The extra-Amazon region of Brazil comprises 4762 municipalities, with approximately 45,289,116 inhabitants, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) census in 2019. It consists of 17 states plus Federal District: Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambu...
The minimum and maximum in this demographic group underscore the heterogeneity in malaria burden across the country, with significant differences between districts’ lowest and highest recorded cases. Table 1 Descriptive statistics of malaria cases distributed by age and sex demographics and districts of ...
To determine sample size, we used a stratified sampling approach to select the number of villages and then the number of households within each village [21], using malaria prevalence data from health facilities and population data from the National Bureau of Statistics which is public available (...
According to national statistics, approximately 240,000 malaria cases were reported by health facilities in Abidjan in 2001 (40.2% of all consultations). The peak malaria incidence was in July-September. In the health facilities of the Yopougon commune, the malaria infection rates in presenting ...
The collected data were analyzed using JASP version 0.18. Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies and percentages, were used to summarize the socio-demographic characteristics and prevalence rates. Chi-square tests were performed to assess the association between malaria, HBsAg, and HCV prevalence an...
The 2021 Nigeria Malaria Survey Indicator (2021NMIS) was constructed by the National Malaria Elimination Programme assisted by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and National Population Commission (NPC) was implemented by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) [18]. The data...
Average of genetic diversity statistics within the An. gambiae s.l. populations in the study sites from 2012 to 2017; The Y-axis shows the diversity statistic, the X-axis shows the sampling periods and the colours show the populations. A Nucleotide diversity (θπ), B Watterson theta (θw...