《JOJO的奇妙冒险..其实原来标题是《JOJO的奇妙冒险:黄金之风》荣登英文宅圈ACGN评分网站MAL热门动画榜首 但是是在是写不下了首先我们来介绍一下MAL。MAL全称My Anime List,是外国的一个ACGN评分
在数字娱乐领域中,英语缩写词 "MAL" 被广泛认知为"My Anime List" 的简称,中文直译为“我的动画列表”。这一术语主要用于记录和管理个人对动画作品的收藏和观看进度。该缩写词在中文中的拼音为 "wǒ de dòng huà liè biǎo",在英语中的流行度相当高,达到了1011,表明其在爱好者社区中的广泛...
a anime seasonal getter using My Anime List API, this transform the data to PDF - gabriel-batistuta/MAL_seasonal_animes
MALMy Anime List MALMalay(language) MALMalachi MALMinistry of Agriculture and Livestock(Zambia) MALMusic in American Life MALMaster of Arts in Leadership(various schools) MALMidstage Access Loss MALMedia Access Layer MALMaster Acronym List
欧美动漫网站my a..1 Lamperouge, Lelouch26740 Votes2 Lawliet, L23994 Votes3 Monkey D., Luffy15841 Votes4 Ya
The Top 50 Anime MAL Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 107 submitted tier lists. The best Top 50 Anime MAL rankings are on the top of the list and the worst rankings are on the bottom. ...
anime list but it still happens. If I could at least type in the number or if there was a scroll bar that let me quickly reach the chapter I need then I think it would be fine. The app makes it easier to search and update my lists with my phone and other than my chapter/episode...
报!经白夜播出,巨人..报!经白夜播出,巨人第三季part2的my anime list评分已上升至9.13,位列mal榜tv动画第二!
The seasonal-animes-download.sh can create a list of the new seasonal animes (New as not a sequel anime) and make a collection yml to add them to sonarr. Designed for Plex TV agent / Plex Movie Agent,Hama is unsupported Romaji-Renamer will export your Animes and TVDB/IMDB IDs from Plex...