Latin once again heavily influenced the Romance languages with the root mal: the Spanish words mal, malo, and mala, the French mal, and the Italian male all have something to do with “badness.” A more sinister meaning of mal is “evil.” The word dismal derived from the Latin dies ma...
a combining form meaning “bad,”“wrongful,”“ill,” occurring orig. in loanwords from French (maladroit); on this model, used in the formation of other words (malcontent; malfunction). Comparemale-. [< Old French, representingmaladv. (< Latinmalebadly) and adj. (< Latinmalusbad)] ...
sometimesbeni-, word-forming element meaning "well," from Latinbene(adv.) "well, in the right way, honorably, properly," from PIE*dwenelo-, suffixed (adverbial) form of root*deu-(2) "to do, perform; show favor, revere." Opposed tomal-. From the same source come Latinbonus"good,...
FLECTcomes fromflectere, the Latin verb meaning "to bend." The root sometimes takes the formflex-. Things that areflexiblecan be bent, and when youflexa muscle, you're usually bending a limb—which, as a trainer at the gym will tell you, requires the use offlexormuscles. FLECT来自拉丁语...
Mal Root Word It can be explained by the origin, where mal- comes from Latin root male whichmeans 'badly', and a mnemonic you can use to remember it is that males are bad, just kidding we are not against the male species. Do ulcers smell?
odorous(adj.) "fragrant, emitting a smell or scent," early 15c., from Medieval Latinodorosus, from Latinodorus"having a smell," fromodor"a smell, a scent" (seeodor). Related:Odorously; odorousness. mal- word-forming element of Latin origin meaning "bad, badly, ill, poorly, wrong, wr...
Bona fide means "in good faith" inLatin. When applied to business deals and the like, it stresses the absence of fraud or deception. Where can I get a malcontent ring? Malcontent's Ring can be acquired bydefeating the Shichimen Warrior enemy in the Guardian Ape's Burrow in Sekiro: Sha...
Rural development Latin America “Mal nommer un objet, c'est ajouter au malheur du monde” (Calling something by the wrong name adds to the misery of the world) Albert Camus (2006, p.908) 1. Introduction The increasing global appetite for a few agricultural commodities such as cocoa, palm...
a combining form meaning “bad,”“wrongful,”“ill,” occurring orig. in loanwords from French (maladroit); on this model, used in the formation of other words (malcontent; malfunction). Comparemale-. [< Old French, representingmaladv. (< Latinmalebadly) and adj. (< Latinmalusbad)] ...
FLECTcomes fromflectere, the Latin verb meaning "to bend." The root sometimes takes the formflex-. Things that areflexiblecan be bent, and when youflexa muscle, you're usually bending a limb—which, as a trainer at the gym will tell you, requires the use offlexormuscles. ...