A half dozen Nepali survivors asked for help; we gave them the MREs we had on board, and one of my colleagues applied first aid to a head wound and gave an older gentleman a handful of Tylenol. They pointed to the lower part of the valley, behind us, and said there was a body of...
Hwithrans rach gans Paul White re gavas an fordhow ma, hag yw yn fyw hwath, dre Dhorseth, Gwel An Hav, Dewnans ha Kernow, ow kul vyaj dhe-les yn termyn tremenys, hag yn trop hag yn hwir, rag an re a vynn hwithra nebes an leow kosella a wrug daromres tremena, ha ...
sgewrmithlinaegoernseotmicaettiicogloegnye,vaalrtiearnetds (gi.een.,ep-eoxlypmreossrpiohnissmigsn, matutraetsi,ocnhs)r,ofmunocstoiomnaall adbenfiociremnacilei-s twieist,haandgesneeleticcteedtioplroogtye,inaltBeMresdtgheantea-reexpurseesdsitoonsseilgenctatureraetsm, cehnrtosmfoorsopmataiel...
ciMnomothsftoeroItfSaMbthleemsweoodfrakeciltnoogrfsetnhcvaeniruoasneffmresce,tnnttihntheeirrofauwcgtohorrktsh. ewItIeSirseuipmdgeprfiaondretad. nbt afoserduosenrsfotuor lemvealkseoIafnmdtehoceriesIiSoeMfnfimcmieaonkdtienalgnf.doMrcmoomsatnfooafgrtteahrbeslseienwfFaoicgrtkuoirnsegc8a,ennfivva...