Usually, you just have to partially apply your own type to * -> * or * when making it an instance of one of the standard typeclasses, but it's good to know how and why that actually works. It's also interesting to see that types have little types of their own. Again, you don'...
One of the most popular 3D prints on thingiverse, created to use for torture ... Cool 3D Printed Desktop Organizers Cool 3D Printed Desk Organizers. Today, we will explore several cool things to 3D print for your desk, all ... Great New 3D Print Model of Little Red Riding Hood and ...
3D Print Files - Please Do Not: Sell the Files Basically, do whatever you like with your 3D prints made from these files, but please don’t sell the files. Thanks! How to Make your own Templates All of our pattern and template related video tutorials are gathered over on this page.Also...
A mainstream 3D printer is usually 250 x 250 x 250 mm and a large one might be 400 to 500 mm in each dimension. This makes it super efficient for printing large things in one go rather than trying to split them into multiple prints. Just imagine printing a piece of furniture, a near...
A method of making respective prints of recorded images within successive film frames of a filmstrip or alternatively of selected portions of the images includes the steps ofJoel S. Lawther
You need at the very least a 3D pen. 3Doodler makes them. Each of their pens have their own characteristics. The most expensive and versatile one extrudes “metals” and “wood”. The starter pen for children is low heat and the one I just described is high heat. They have a websit...
New 3D Prints Website Organization bybenjamen Most of my time has recently has been used creating and publishing models for 3D printing. At first I was publishing them, but as the site has become more and more unstable, I have created my own site for publishing the models...
This repository additionally adapts different self-supervised learning methods to graphs such as "Bootstrap your own Latent", "Barlow Twins", or "VICReg". Generating fingerprints for arbitrary SMILES To generate fingerprints that carry 3D information, just set up the environment as in step 1 belo...
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3D printer – 3D printing is another exciting way to create cosplay props. You can design your own using 3D software, or download an .stl or .obj file online 310 Know which glue to go for If you’re a cosplayer, you’re bound to use a lot of glue. Cosplay props and co...