one he crudely draws. At the climax of the story, as Carl beats his mother, the boy transforms the drawing into a poppet (a doll, often erroneously called a “voodoo doll,” used in magic practice as a signifier of a human entity). The boy folds the paper, so that the crease cuts...
"George had in mind something much scarier -- with black magic, human sacrifice, voodoo dolls, evil sorcerers and subterranean villainy," Spielberg said. "This was going to be Indiana Jones' most frightening adventure." In June 1982, after writing a complete story outline, Lucas hired the hus...
And yet, even if Guyton &Co.’s work deservingly featuresa sensu contrariothe “construction” of “political space”, that is, as the extremely hard social denunciation on the part of ourVoodoo Man, I cannot help having some qualms about the strictartisticcharacter of Heidelberg Projectu. Th...