Making the sign of Crossdoi:10.1093/nq/s9-VI.150.375fWilson W. E.Notes and Queries
The sign to step one step inwards. All monks move and make the sign of the cross in perfect unison and perfect silence. They bow their heads, then take a step outwards towards the bench again. After 2:44 min. of silence, we hear the first sound of human voices in the film. The ...
Eliza tells him that the practice probably has its roots in the ancient Christian belief that “making the sign of the cross” would keep away evil spirits and bad luck. Children often cross their fingers when they tell a small l 西蒙问Eliza为什么人言“保留您的手指横渡了”,当他们祝愿其他...
Netvibes Log in to your Dashboard Reveal Information Intelligence at Every Level of the Enterprise Discover Planning Gain Decision-Making Insights on Market Trends, Programs and Products to Achieve Targets Virtual Product Development Improve Product Performance ...
10. To pass through or across; cross: a sailboat cutting the water. 11. Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random. 12. To reduce the size, extent, or duration of; curtail or shorten: cut a payroll; cut a budge...
Here’s the thing:we need more Bodhisattvas, not Buddhas, in the world. If you’re wanting a spiritual path or philosophy to commit to, I say choose the path of the Bodhisattva. Why? It’s easy to be a buddha sitting in a dissociated state of blissful elevation above the world. We...
“it is kind of complicated, because you have to realize there was so much cross-pollination,” says avary. with the $50,000 he’d made on reservoir dogs, and the promise of $900,000 from tristar pictures for pulp fiction, tarantino, who had never really left los angeles county, ...
so Markova learned to dance silently. “If Markova springs like a winged fairy, she comes to the ground just as lightly,” wrote British dance historianCyril Beaumont, “noiselessly in fact, always passing – ball, sole, heel – through the whole of the supplanted foot. Of how many ballerin...
The Republican margin in the House is so narrow that if just two Republicans cross over and Democrats stay united, no bill can pass. I know basically nothing about the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, which claims to be non-partisan and has a board of directors full of academic ...
A New Similarity Measure for Picture Fuzzy Sets and Its Application to Multi-Attribute Decision Making. Informatica 2021, 32, 543–564. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yang, M.; Zhu, H.; Guo, K. Research on manufacturing service combination optimization based on neural network and multi-attribute...