R update setnames for raster layer to be var_name instead of var; scopi… Jul 20, 2017 README_files/figure-markdown_github Swap out to .svg Jun 2, 2017 man update documentation/messages to include RasterBrick Jun 29, 2017 .Rbuildignore Commit MapSuite to new repo Apr 2, 2017 .git...
No vendor lock-in Markdown Rich formatting for lists with images, tables, or code Packed with features, ready for any job Plan a project release Use priorities, tags, and due dates to organize the whole team's work, from ideation to production. Publish checklists and instructions Want ...
CLI tool and library implementing the Markdown Autophagic Template (MDAT) system. MDAT lets you use comments as dynamic content templates in Markdown files, making it easy to generate and update readme boilerplate. - kitschpatrol/mdat
UMLS CUIs were found for 99.3% of drug ingredient concepts (n = 11,716) representing 23 unique Semantic Types. The mapping results for each OBO Foundry ontology are displayed in Fig.3and detailed in Supplementary Table6. Of the 11,803 available concepts, 37.4% (n = 411) mapped ...
This year the RStudio Connect team produced an R package that can be used to query a Connect server for your existing content items, then organize them within htmlwidget components in an R Markdown document or Shiny application. Present your content in cards, grids, or tables: Card and gr...
recently ported the toobs project from sourceforge (SVN) to github (git). So in order to do this I had to get git-svn to work. So with my last post I showed how I got the application to run, however, if you try and commit changes back to svn (git-svn dcommit) you will most...
No vendor lock-in Markdown Rich formatting for lists with images, tables, or code Packed with features, ready for any job Plan a project release Use priorities, tags, and due dates to organize the whole team's work, from ideation to production. Publish checklists and instructions Want ...
TORMES is written in a combination of Bash, R and R Markdown. Once the WGS is ended, TORMES will automatically generate a RMarkdown file (unique for each analysis) that will be use to render the report in R environment. This file is susceptible for user's modification and the generation...
TORMES is written in a combination of Bash, R and R Markdown. Once the WGS is ended, TORMES will automatically generate a RMarkdown file (unique for each analysis) that will be use to render the report in R environment. This file is susceptible for user's modification and the generation...
README_files/figure-markdown_github Added basic documentation Oct 2, 2018 man Added basic documentation Oct 2, 2018 .Rbuildignore initial commit Oct 2, 2018 .gitignore Added basic documentation Oct 2, 2018 AutoWaffle.R initial commit Oct 2, 2018 AutoWaffle.Rproj initial commit Oct 2, 2018...