看这篇文章的主要目的是为了了解《Serializable Isolation for Snapshot Databases》[1]的出发点。说来惭愧,在看完看论文的第一二节之后,后面的程序分析大致都略过了。不过个人还是挺推荐大家读一下整篇文章的内容的,主要原因如下: 文章从最基本的概念开始描述,并且整篇文章的连续性也很好 ...
Making Snapshots Isolation Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SI) is a multiversion concurrency control algorithm, first described in Berenson et al. [1995]. SI is attractive because it provides an isolation level that avoids many of the common concurrency anomalies, and has bee... DS Alan Fekete ...
To address these challenges, we present G-Tran -- an RDMA-enabled distributed in-memory graph database with serializable and snapshot isolation support. First, we propose a graph-native data store to achieve good data locality and fast data access for transactional updates and queries. Second, ...
Transactions.IsolationLevel.Serializable }); Copy Just remember this:Use them at all times! Either with NHibernate or System transactions, always create them in a using block so that they are automatically disposed. Set the session’s flush mode to Commit to avoid unnecessary trips to the data...