And baking really requires step-by-step, following a recipe, being more precise. Kneading the dough (揉面团) or rolling something out, you really get the full benefit of being present in the moment and being able to relax and put aside all the other thoughts and just focus on the here-...
Instructables is a community for people who like to make things. Come explore, share, and make your next project with us!
Create a Family Recipe Book—Ask family members to bring their favorite Thanksgiving recipes and compile them into a book. Thesewould make wonderful Christmas gifts! Hold a Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt—Create a list of hidden Thanksgiving-themed items for guests to find around the house. This ac...
2. Mrs. Anderson's Round Bread-Proofing Basket Bread needs boundaries when it rises to help it take form, andMrs. Anderson's Round Bread-Proofing Basketis just the sort of bread making tool to help your dough keep its shape during the proofing process. Whether it’s a sourdough proofing ...
A good DIY recipe for combating bedbugs is rubbing alcohol, another natural solution to fight the bugs. It can be used in a spray bottle and liberally applied to hiding places. It sucks the moisture out of the bugs and makes it hard for them to breathe, killing them on contact. However...
Each of the small-batch soap recipes in this course is formulated to teach you how to make soap with various natural ingredients. They include essential oil, clay, botanical-infused oil, and goat milk. You’ll be led through making each recipe step-by-step and guided through curing and sto...
When I started to manage global teams, it became apparent to me that people everywhere were generally bad communicators. People tend to talk, not listen, and with the loss of visual cues, multiple native languages, and different writing styles, I saw a recipe for significant misunderstandings. ...
In the age of smartphones, tablets, and endless digital gadgets, we’re drowning in a sea of documents, PDFs, and files. From your kid’s school project to that recipe you saved ages ago, your computer’s probably a treasure trove of forgotten files. Ever thought these could be your ...
Sticking with the “bird” theme of the day (and because I have been craving deviled eggs lately) we made “red bird” eggs for our party. Sinisa used the new phone and it’s data plan to look up a recipe online that he could follow and we then used food coloring to make the insi...
you need to know either Alice’s or Bob’s secret vector. This means that Alice and Bob are the only ones who will know the result. Second, Alice and Bob both got the same answer: 26. This wasn’t a coincidence. There’s a special mathematical recipe that the central authority uses ...