“We build on existing trainings and content about how to analyze data with Microsoft Power BI, which ensured that we didn’t reinvent the wheel,” Venugopal says. “Even if someone has attended trainings in the past and built dashboards, they can still learn something.” ...
Interactive Power BI dashboards showcasing data insights and visual analytics for decision-making. - TarunShankarU/Advanced-Power-BI-Projects
FineBI has a very complete data permission management and control capability. In addition to providing dashboard permission distribution, it can also perform row/column level data permission management and control for personnel in different departments/positions/roles. In addition, in terms of data aut...
Dear all, I am new to powerbi, I have a powerbi dashboard where i have to add some of the KPI'S from a Excel file. some of the columns are dependent
Harry Ferrera Senior Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst I had a phone interview for a #PowerBI contract, where the interviewer said of the sample dashboards in my CV: "Great...I see you use @ZebraBI!" How cool is that? And they mentioned my top-secret passphrase on the call: "Actio...
When integrated into a Shiny or PowerBi-type dashboard, this methodology has the potential to provide a fairly comprehensive view of health service utilization. The advantage of integrating process mining into tools such as Shiny or PowerBi would be the ability to add stratification variables to ...
We are excited to announce that we now have a Power BI Content Pack. The Power BI team has a greatarticlethat walks through the quick steps to connect your Power BI dashboard to your Mobile Engagement backend to produce beautiful and useful charts and visuals like the one below. ...
Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making with Hopton Analytics. Learn how Power BI & Pryamid Analytics empower organisations of all sizes.
Neufert says that with the Power BI dashboard he’s able to explore the data in ways that make his job easier. “Many things become apparent suddenly, and that’s quite nice,” he says. “Before, we were scratching at the surface without coming really to a ...
For this work, an actionable dashboard was created to display the blood transfusion data. The data visualisation was done through Microsoft Power BI and the selection of analytical data was conducted in partnership with stakeholders and clinicians. The selected data comprises NSQHS Standards ...